性骚扰 & 不当行为的政策 & 程序

Frostburg State University (the “University”) values diversity, 相互尊重, 完整性, 和责任. 为此目的, the University is firmly committed to maintaining a learning and workplace environment free from Gender-Based Harassment, 不正当的性行为, 暴力的关系, 跟踪, 共谋, and Retaliation (collectively, “禁止行为”). Because Prohibited Conduct undermines the University’s mission and jeopardizes the character and 完整性 of our community, Prohibited Conduct will not be tolerated and is expressly prohibited.

Frostburg State University Policy On 性骚扰 And Misconduct (PDF) details the University's expectations for behavior, as well as detailing reporting options, 支持来源, 保护, and processes regarding reports of Prohibited Conduct.的 policy also provides clarity regarding the procedures through which the aforementioned Policy is maintained and instituted at Frostburg State University.

Anti-Harassment and Retaliation Policy. (PDF) Frostburg State University is firmly committed to maintaining a learning and workplace environment free from discrimination and harassment based on an individual’s gender or sex. 性骚扰, 性侵犯, and other categories of sexual misconduct are forms of sex discrimination that are not tolerated and are expressly prohibited by FSU. Frostburg State University's Anti-Harassment and Retaliation Policy (PN 1.014) is available online.

Office Documents and Forms

Advisor Obligation Affirmation and Acknowledgement Statement. An Advisor is an individual who provides support and advice to a Complainant or Respondent during the University’s investigation and resolution process. An Advisor can be an attorney, 家长, 辅导员, advocate or any other person a party chooses, except that an advisor cannot be a participating witness. To confirm your role as an Advisor, please complete the Advisor Obligation Affirmation and Acknowledgement Statement online. You will be asked to authenticate the information and acknowledgement submitted in person to confirm the information submitted and your commitment to serving as an Advisor.

上诉及申请表格. At Frostburg State University, the Complainant and Respondent each have the right to appeal the investigative finding and/or the sanction(s) imposed regarding alleged misconduct. To request an appeal, please complete the 上诉及申请表格 for 性骚扰 & 不当行为的在线. You are required to authenticate your identity by using your FSU username and password to access this form. PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete requests for appeal as submitted through this portal may not be considered. Please follow up with the Office of 性别平等 at titleix@cfematico.com to ensure your request is complete.

Request for Confidentiality. A Complainant has the right to request confidentiality in reporting an allegation of sexual harassment and misconduct to Frostburg State University. When a Complainant requests that their name or other identifiable information not be shared with the Respondent, the Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with the Title IX Team, will balance this request with the University’s obligation to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment to the Complainant and the rest of the University community. To request Confidentiality, please complete the Request for Confidentiality online.

不采取行动请求. A Complainant has the right to request that no action be taken to address allegations of misconduct against them. When a Complainant requests that no action be taken against the Respondent, the Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with the Title IX Team, will balance this request with the University’s obligation to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment to the Complainant and the rest of the University community. To request No Action, please complete the 不采取行动请求 online.